Saturday, 18 July 2015

John 3:16 For God So Loved the World

John 3:16 has to be one of the most popular and simple yet profound messages of the bible. When growing up as a teenager in the eighties, I was often amazed that at most sporting events or major events where there was live coverage you would often see that famous scripture verse - John 3:16.

That God loves us, all of us is a simple message that I think most people are happy to receive whether we are Christian or not, to know there is someone who loves us is truly wonderful to know irrespective of our background or knowledge of God. Yet this message is also profound, as there are no conditions placed on God's love. In fact scripture also tells us despite "while we were still yet sinners, Christ died for us" as shown in Romans 5:8. This is the part which is profound, even in the ugliness of our sin, God was willing to send His Son to die for us. He did this without condition, that is He did not require us to accept this sacrifice yet still went ahead with it. This truly is unconditional love that I am sure many will find hard to grasp or understand.

And though this message of God's love is simple, it is a powerful message that can transform peoples lives. Recently I saw a video of a young and newly converted believer of Jesus who decided he must share this simple message with who ever will listen. On one occasion, he was filmed telling a man outside a pub in Australia that God loved him, when the man said he had tried Christianity and had asked God to heal him of  a back injury to no avail, he walked away from God. At that moment this new convert asked the man if he could pray that God would heal his back. After receiving prayer and walking down the road, the man returned yelling and shouting in amazement that his back was different and that after 20 years of pain now felt no pain. You can imagine his joy and the joy of the new convert as they stood in the street crying and praising Jesus for what He had done.

After watching this video, it reminded me of the time we as new converts, with no knowledge of scripture and possibly religion would weekly go into the streets and testify of what Jesus had done to us. Once again our testimony, irrespective how small or simply it is can be a great tool in sharing God's love with others. I remember one particular period in my life when I was able to pray for 33 people in just 3 weeks to ask Jesus to come into their lives. Revelation tells us that "we defeat the devil by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.

Just today whilst enjoying a cup of coffee with my mum who is now rather old and frail, I asked the Holy Spirit to reveal someone seated near us that might need a word of encouragement. Within a few moments, the Holy Spirit showed me a lady who He told me was lonely could do with some words of love. I approached this lady and with just a few simple words told her that God loved her and that He had never ever left her. This lady immediately beamed with joy and said thankyou so much I know that.

What came next was amazing, as I began to walk to the car with my mum, three separate people approached me asking if they could help me in some way. Whilst I declined their help, I realised that God was trying to show me something and a verse came to mind, "do to others as you would have them do unto you". The Lord was showing me that as we, step out in our faith to build up and encourage others to trust and believe in God, others in turn will do the same to us. This is a bit like what Proverbs says, "as iron sharpens iron, so too one man sharpens another".

Be encouraged to share with others what Christ has shared with you. Philippians encourages us to "work out our salvation with fear and trembling". This scripture is often misquoted indicating that we need to work on our salvation which according to Roman's has all been done through Jesus. What this scripture is actually saying is allow that which Christ has done in us, be outworked in our lives. That is if Christ has shown you mercy, then show mercy to others, if God has forgiven your sins then forgive others etc etc...

So go out their and do to others as you would have them do to you...

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